Generated Text Poetry


out and

to they the come

like her softly pasture blossom happiness

light willows over

theirs those the

black pasture out each

like her with

once out into


the They They begin other

stepped spring other have their darkness kindness

black been They young

break her softly Into their darkness

hand pasture have loneliness

eyes break more wild

me wire once falls

Minnesota my

pasture been ear grass stepped nuzzled

into step

barbed my

and blossom all

falls Suddenly willows realize

walked kindness out each

grazing hold all wild Minnesota happiness

To breeze theirs those moves stepped willows

over of

falls happiness white over

and is has spring caress forehead

falls bounds caresses

is on moves have begin

left gladly Where

to they day

step swans been loneliness light

I And


left like they

Just has